Lunsford Honorees: Spring and Summer 2021
About the Spring/Summer 2021 Lunsford Honorees
From Spring 2020 through Summer 2021, all PWR 2 courses were taught online in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Typically, Lunsford award honorees would present in front of a live audience and two winners would be selected. Giving and recording an oral presentation in an online environment provided both new challenges but also new possibilities and we saw a range of creative and powerful responses to oral presentation research. This gallery represents exemplary work from students produced in their fully online environments during Spring quarter 2021 and Summer quarter 2021, and we honor all of these students for their excellent research and delivery.
Hannah Ashai: "'You Can't Write This!' A Post-Colonial Approach to Ship-Wars and Bullying in Modern Fandom"
Course: All the Feels: The Rhetoric of Emotion
Instructor: Tesla Schaeffer
Nadine Iman Fattah: "From Saddam to the Satirical Present: Exploring Iraq-Centered Satire by Iraqis and the Western World"
Course: Speaking Ironic Truth to Power: The Rhetoric of Satirical Protest
Instructor: Harriett Jernigan
Elena Kamas: "The Future of Crafting"
Course: Makers, Crafters, Hackers: The Rhetoric of DIY
Instructor: Angela Becerra Vidergar
Manasa Kumarappan: "'California Dreamin' of Housing"
Course: Action Research: Making Time for Social Justice
Instructor: Donna Hunter
Sarah Pincus: "Implicit Bias in the Ivory Tower: A Policy Proposal for Combating Unconscious Gender Bias among Stanford's Professoriate"
Course: Rebel with a Cause: The Rhetoric of Giving a Damn
Instructor: Kathleen Tarr
Andrew Shin: "Perpetual Foreigner to Model Minority: Asian American Violence in the United States"
Course: Are We There Yet? The Rhetoric of Mobility
Instructor: Selby Schwartz