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Lunsford Winners: 2015-2019

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Watch video recordings of Lunsford Award winners, finalists, and other honorees in the Presentation Archive. Presentation Videos are archived by year, as follows:

Lunsford Winners for Fall 2019

Winners:  Melina Solis, Hannah Cussen

Lunsford Winners for Spring 2019

Winners: Jianna So, Trey Connelly

Jianna So: "Coding Gender: Female Stereotypes in Voice Assistants"

Course: PWR 2AB: Makers, Hackers, Crafters: The Rhetoric of DIY

Instructor: Angela Becerra Vidergar

Trey Connelly: "Sign and Design: Modes of Instruction in Digital Games"

Course: How We Got Schooled: Rhetoric of Literacy and Education

Instructor: John Peterson

Lunsford Winners for Winter 2019

Winners: Autumn Warren, Valexa Orelien

Autumn Warren: "You Don't Sound Black: The Connection between Language and Identity"

Course: Rhetoric of Language, Identity, and Power

Instructor: Jennifer Johnson

Valexa Orelien: "Exploring Linguistic Power Structures in Haiti"

Course: How We Got Schooled: Rhetoric of Literacy and Education

Instructor: John Peterson


Lunsford Winners for Fall 2018

Winners: Caelin Marum, Sofia Avila Jamesson

Caelin Marum “Searching for Olivia: Reframing Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women Research"

Course: Race, Gender, Power, and the Rhetoric of the Detective
Instructor: Irena Yamboliev

Sofia Avila Jamesson: “Murder, Music, and Machismo: Analyzing Gender-Based Violence in Mexico"

Course: The Art of Rhetorical Listening
Instructor: Cassie Wright

Lunsfords Winners for Spring 2018

Winners: Haley Hodge, Vrinda Vasavada

Haley Hodge: “EPA Government's Actions Speaking Louder than Their Words: The Neglect of the RV Community on Weeks Street "

Course: Comics for Social Justice
Instructor: Lisa Swan

Vrinda Vasavada: “Fighting Tech Addiction"

Course: Language Gone Viral: The Rhetoric of Social Media and Digital Communication
Instructor: Norah Fahim

Lunsfords Winners for Winter 2018

Winners: Isabelle Carpenter, Swetha Revanur

Isabelle Carpenter: “Gender and Language in a Multilingual Morocco"

Course: The Rhetoric of Language, Identity, and Power
Instructor: Jennifer Johnson

Swetha Revanur: “Combating Sex Slavery with AI"

Course: Ethics and AI
Instructor: Ruth Starkman

Lunsfords Winners for Fall 2017

Winners: Won Gi Jung, Michelle Chang

Won Gi Jung: “Tale of Two Cities: Portrayal of Reality in Colonial Detective Literature"

Course: Race, Power, Gender, and the Rhetoric of the Detective
Instructor: Irena Yamboliev

Michelle Chang: “Death Cafe Movement"

Course: Are We There Yet? The Rhetoric of Mobility
Instructor: Selby Schwartz

Lunsfords Winners for Spring 2017

Winners: Michael Bereket, Lauren Seabrooks

Michael Bereket: “The Exceptional Self: How the Holistic Admissions Process Rewrites Student Racial Identities"

Course: The Rhetoric of Language, Identity, and Power
Instructor: Jennifer Johnson

Lauren Seabrooks: “Breaking from the Cycle: Causes and Effects of Intergenerational Parental Incarceration"

Course: I ___ Therefore I Am: The Rhetoric of 21st Century Identity
Instructor: Donna Hunter

Lunsfords Winners for Winter 2017

Winners: Isabelle Morris, Sophia Sterling-Angus

Isabelle Morris: “The Real Experts: Creating an Autistic-Friendly Educational Environment"

Course: How We Got Schooled: The Rhetoric of Literacy and Education
Instructor: John Peterson

Sophia Sterling-Angus: “Female Trainwrecks"

Course: Seriously Funny: The Rhetoric of Humor
Instructor: Mary Stroud

Lunsfords Winners for Fall 2016

Winners: Sophia Pink, Juliana Chang
Nominees: Alli Keys, Alex Trivella, Jake Goldstein, Erika DePalatis, Cindy Nguyen, Gordon Blake, Joan Chen, Aidan Salamone, Ferderico Derby, Scarlett Guo, Nicolette Grabiec

Sophia Pink: “How the NRA Shot Down the Ivory Tower"

Course: Like this Class: The Rhetoric of Public Relations
Instructor: Erica Cirillo-McCarthy

Juliana Chang: “Heritage Language Loss in Second Gen East-Asian Americans"

Course: Don't Stand So Close to Me: Cross-cultural Communication
Instructor: Ann Watters

Lunsfords Winners for Spring 2016

Winners: David Slater, Nikhil Bhattasali
Nominees: Benjamin Williams, Katherine Liu, Ada Statler, Grace Bay Young, Pierce Freeman, Katie Nesser, Megha Srivastava, Andrew Summerville, Annabel Chen and Rifath Rashid

David Slater: “Cracking the Keyless Lock"

Course: A Rebel With A Cause: The Rhetoric of Giving a Damn
Instructor: Kathleen Tarr

Nikhil Bhattasali: “Evolution not Revolution: How Internet Political Humor Shapes Modern-Day China One Laugh at a Time"

Course: Rhetoric of Humor
Instructor: Mary Stroud

Lunsford Winners for Winter 2016

Winners: Liz Wallace, Devon Cash
Nominees: Stefan Swaans, Armando Rojas, Hava Schwartz, Hannah Thompson, Chiamaka Ogwuegbu, Trina Sarkar, Chaitanya Asawa, and Ufu Ovienmhada 

Liz Wallace: “A Fading Fady: The Waning Clout of Culture in Lemur Conservation”

Course: Don't Stand so Close to Me: Cross Cultural Communication 
Instructor: Ann Watters 

Devon Cash: "Assumed But Not Proven: The Crash and Burn of e-Mentoring within the Phoenix Scholars"

Course: The Rhetoric of the Experiment 
Instructor: Trisha Stan

Lunsfords Winners for Fall 2015

Winners: Louis Lafair, Savannah Pham

Louis Lafair: “Wait One Moment: Taking the Time to Reconsider How Stanford Students Spend Their Time”

Course: The Rhetoric of Success
Instructor: Jesse Davie-Kessler

Savannah Pham: "Covering Up a Massacre: U.S. Army Press Coverage of My Lai"

Course: Crime, Media & Law: Critical Approaches to Violence
Instructor: Clara Lewis
This presentation contains content that may be disturbing for some viewers.

Lunsfords Winners for Spring 2015

Winners: Sam Kurland, Gabbi Fisher
Nominees: Maggie Ann Ryan, Carla Lewis, Ramón E. Villaverde Castañeda, Ashwin Kumar, Sage Voorhees, Kevin Coelho, Emily Xie, Bryant Alan Chen

Sam Kurland: “Communicating the Dismal Science”

Course: Science, Democracy and Social Media
Instructor: Ruth Starkman

Gabbi Fisher: "Bedroom Radicals and the Internet Sisterhood"

Course: The Rhetoric of Technology and Social Change
Instructor: Emily Polk

Lunsfords Winners for Winter 2015

Winners: Katie Joseff, Jinhie Skarda
Nominees: Sam Williams, Jenna Shapiro, Will Fein, Megan McAndrews, Alec Pallin, Barak Oshri, David Mallick, Simon Kim, Jordan Hank

Katie Joseff: “Rationalizations for the Sex Trade in Thailand”

Course: Don't Stand so Close to Me: Cross-cultural Communication
Instructor: Ann Watters

Jinhie Skarda: "The Star of Interstellar How Art Informs Science"

Course: The Rhetoric of Art & Commerce
Instructor: John Peterson