PWR Policies
The Program in Writing and Rhetoric seeks to guide Stanford students in developing and refining skills in careful analysis and substantive written and oral research-based argument, and in using well-defined rhetorical principles to present their ideas with intellectual rigor and stylistic force. Those goals generate a few key principles that deeply influence our curriculum, our students, and our instructors.
The PWR Commitment to Students
Student success in PWR hinges on the shared responsibilities of teachers and students
PWR Attendance Policies
PWR’s attendance policies are designed to create a clear, consistent and positive learning environment in PWR sections.
PWR Late Work Policies
PWR's late work policies are designed to provide clear guidelines for students and keep them on track with the assignment arc for the required courses.
PWR Evaluation and Grading Criteria
PWR holds Stanford student to a high standard for rhetorically aware and effective writing
PWR Incomplete Policy
PWR's incomplete policy requires a student-instructor contract. To be eligible for an incomplete contract, students must have completed 75% of work in a course.
Grade Appeals and Other Course Concerns
We take student course concerns seriously and have specific procedures in place to help students navigate these concerns.
Academic Integrity and University Policies
PWR courses only tolerate the highest levels of academic integrity, aligning with the university's Honor Code and Fundamental Standards.