Academic Integrity and University Policies
Students are responsible for living by Stanford's Honor Code and Fundamental Standard and for maintaining honesty in scholarship. Work submitted for a course must be the student’s own (or a group’s work, if students have collaborated on an assignment). The same essay may not be submitted for a grade in more than one class.
Students must take care to use sources appropriately, as the use of someone else’s words or ideas without acknowledgement and as your own contradicts PWR goals and principles. Even an unintentional violation may be a serious offense. As such, PWR will take reasonable precautions to prevent it and all measures prescribed by the Stanford Office of Community Standards for remedy and redress.
If you have questions about these matters, please consult the Office of Community Standards (Tresidder Memorial Union, 2nd floor, Suite 9; 650-725-2485 or e-mail Alternatively, talk to your instructor during office hours to understand the criteria for academic integrity within PWR.