PWR Incomplete Policy
Requirements for Completing PWR Courses
PWR’s approach to teaching writing and speaking emphasizes the recursive and cumulative nature of the composing process; essays and presentations improve with feedback, reflection, and revision. In order to receive a passing grade in a PWR course, students must complete and turn in drafts and revisions for all major assignments (PWR 1: the rhetorical analysis; texts in conversation essay; and research-based argument. PWR 2: the written and oral research proposal; the genre/modes assignment; the written research-based argument; and the research presentation).
Class attendance and active participation in scaffolding activities are vital components of developing as a writer, speaker, and researcher and of keeping on track with the PWR 1 and PWR 2 assignment sequences. See the PWR Attendance Policy for further details.
Requesting an Incomplete in PWR
As per Stanford University policy, an Incomplete must be requested before the last class meeting of the quarter. In addition, to be eligible for an Incomplete in PWR, students must have completed 75% of the coursework before the last day of class.
- For PWR 1, this generally means completion of all drafts and revisions of all major assignments, except for the final revision of the research-based argument.
- For PWR 2, this generally means completion of all drafts and revisions of all major assignments, except for the revision of written research-based argument or the delivery of the final research presentation.
To arrange an Incomplete, the student and instructor must fill out and sign an Incomplete Contract, available from the PWR office. Generally, students are asked to finish the work yet to be completed within a few weeks after the end of the quarter. For questions about the PWR Incomplete Policy, contact the PWR Associate Director.
Note: PWR 1 students who receive an Incomplete in their PWR 1 class will not be able to enroll in PWR 2 or other courses fulfilling the Write-2 requirement until the Incomplete has been resolved.