PWR 2 Course Equivalence
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PWR 2 Course Equivalency
It is very unusual that students are granted course equivalency for PWR 2 courses because of the emphasis in that class on writing/rhetoric/research and also oral communication (not just presentations at the end, but formal instruction about how to deliver presentations including drafting and revision for more than one presentation).
To qualify for PWR 2 equivalency, your course must have included:
- 4,500-6000 words in writing spread over several substantial assignments
- A written research-based argument of at least 2,400 words, which incorporates at least 8 sources
- A drafting and revision stage with instructor feedback for all major assignments
- One-to-one in-person meetings between the instructor and student for each major assignment
- Consistent formal pedagogy/instruction related to presentations and writing integrated into the course
- More than one presentation, with a total of 18-20 minutes of live graded presentations, at least one of which must be at least 10 minutes long, for which you rehearsed, received feedback on, and then revised before your final delivery of the presentation
Again, these elements must have all been present in a single course; you cannot submit several classes together.
If you believe your course contained all these elements and want to apply for WR2 equivalency please submit this form.