PWR 1 Course Equivalence
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PWR 1 Course Equivalency
To be considered equivalent to a PWR 1 course, your course must have required:
- 7,500 to 9,000 words in writing spread over several substantial assignments;
- An analysis-based essay;
- A research-based argument (of at least 2400 words) incorporating at least 8 sources;
- An assignment that asks you to consider the “conversation” between sources on a topic (similar to a literature review);
- A drafting and revision stage with instructor feedback for all major assignments;
- One-to-one in-person meetings between the instructor and student for each major assignment;
- Consistent formal pedagogy/instruction related to writing integrated into the course.
These elements must have all been present in a single course; you cannot submit several classes together.
If you believe you took a course that contains these elements and want to apply for WR1 equivalency, please submit this form.