View PWR Enrollment FAQs
General PWR Questions
- Where is the PWR Office located? When is the PWR Office open?
- How can I access the PWR Course Assignment website?
- How can I fulfill my WR 1 Requirement?
- How can I fulfill my WR 2 Requirement?
- I’m scheduled for both PWR 1 and COLLEGE in the same quarter; is this a problem?
- How should I plan my quarter around a PWR assignment when I don’t know the course offerings or meeting times?
- Are the same PWR courses taught every quarter?
Questions about PWR Sections
- Can I enroll in a PWR section when Axess opens for the next quarter?
- What do I do if I don't get assigned to the PWR section I wanted?
- What do I do if I don’t have a PWR section assignment and I’m supposed to take PWR this quarter?
- How can I find out what PWR sections still have room in them?
- What do I do if I thought I was enrolled in a PWR section but the course isn’t showing up on Axess or Simple Enroll?
- I missed the PWR preference submission period. What do I do now?
- If there’s a PWR section that I really want to be assigned to, should I attend the first class and email the instructor to let him or her know that I’m interested?
- I have to miss the first day of class. What should I do?
- I was dropped from my PWR class. How do I get a new assignment?
- I’ve been assigned to a PWR section in the middle of Week One, and it’s already met. What should I do?
- How do I change to the current quarter for PWR?
- I’m supposed to take PWR this quarter and want to change it to another quarter. However, when I go to the PWR Course Assignment Website, I can’t submit a petition to change quarters. What’s going on?
- I submitted a quarter petition, but it was denied. What do I do now?
- Can I switch my PWR quarter assignment to next year? Can I take PWR 1 as a sophomore or PWR 2 as a junior?
- If I applied to an IntroSem that fulfills my WR 2 requirement, do I still need to submit my PWR preferences?
- What do I need to do if I get into a WRITE 2 IntroSem?
Where is the PWR Office located? When is the PWR Office open?
The PWR Office is located on the 3rd floor of Sweet Hall. Administration for PWR is handled in a hybrid fashion with staff on site some days of the week and working from home on others. It's always easiest to contact our office via email: We review email M-F, 7:00am-4:00pm.
How can I access the PWR Course Assignment website?
You can access the PWR Course Assignment website at When you visit this website, you can view or petition to change your quarter, submit PWR section preferences, and petition to change PWR section.
How can I fulfill my WR 1 Requirement?
You can fulfill your WR 1 requirement by taking PWR 1 during your frosh year. This requirement can also be fulfilled through completion of any of the following programs: ESF, SLE, or ITALIC.
How can I fulfill my WR 2 Requirement?
During your sophomore year, you can fulfill your WR 2 requirement by taking PWR 2. This requirement can also be fulfilled if you are enrolled in any of the additional courses found at WRITE 2 course listings through the Bulletin.
I’m scheduled for both PWR 1 and COLLEGE in the same quarter; is this a problem?
It’s not a problem to take both PWR and COLLEGE in the same quarter. Since these are both frosh requirements, most students will end up taking both at once. Many students find that the two courses complement each other well in terms of the types of writing and intellectual work required. If you’re concerned, you can discuss how to manage having these two courses in your schedule with your Academic Advising Director, as you would discuss your Study List for any quarter.
How should I plan my quarter around a PWR assignment when I don’t know the course offerings or meeting times?
Be sure to leave room on your Study List for PWR (4 units) by not enrolling for more than 16 units. The PWR catalog posts course offerings and meeting times/days prior to enrollment opening for that quarter.
Are the same PWR courses taught every quarter?
While some courses are offered more than once a year, PWR's course offerings vary from quarter to quarter and from year to year. To view the official list of PWR course offerings in a given academic year, visit our PWR Courses Catalog.
PWR Sections
Can I enroll in a PWR section when Axess opens for the next quarter?
PWR handles enrollment for its sections so the timeline does not necessarily align with Axess’s enrollment period. See our Dates and Deadlines page for a list of important dates related to students submitting section preference rankings and receiving section assignments.
What do I do if I don't get assigned to the PWR section I wanted?
The preference algorithm places students in the highest possible choice, but we recognize that means you may end up in a section you hadn't ranked very high. If you'd like to make a change, refer to the assignment email to see when the office will accept requests for section changes. The PWR office will send, upon request, a list of all sections that have availability. (Please indicate if you are a PWR 1 or PWR 2 student when you request the list.) Then, via email, provide a ranked list of all/any sections that will work for you and the PWR office will try to move you to a class that will work better for you. You can also request to be waitlisted for up to three sections.
What do I do if I don’t have a PWR section assignment and I’m supposed to take PWR this quarter?
Contact the PWR office and we’ll try to find a PWR section to fit your schedule. Many classes will be full, so it is likely you won't get your first choice. Also, students may not join a class after the first week of instruction as a lot of work is completed during that first week.
How can I find out what PWR sections still have room in them?
Contact the PWR office for this information. ExploreCourses and Simple Enroll DO NOT provide accurate information about openings in the sections. The only way to reliably find out if there is still room in specific sections is by contacting the PWR Office during the first 2 days of classes during the quarter.
What do I do if I thought I was enrolled in a PWR section but the course isn’t showing up on Axess or Simple Enroll?
It takes at least 24 hours for Axess to sync with the PWR system. If your section assignment does not show up on your study list and it's been several days, please get in touch with us. It may mean there is a problem with your enrollment, such as you did not have space for the four units, or there is an enrollment hold on your account.
I missed the PWR preference submission period. What do I do now?
Contact the PWR Office ( We will place you in a section if possible or reassign you to a future quarter if the quarter is full. Please visit our Dates & Deadlines page to view future enrollment periods.
If there’s a PWR section that I really want to be assigned to, can I attend the first class and email the instructor to let him or her know that I’m interested?
Students aren’t allowed to sit in PWR sections without an official PWR assignment. Make sure to rank a class you're interested in high on your list. While we can't guarantee you'll get a spot in your top choice, ranking it highly is the only way to try and gain a seat.
I have to miss the first day of class. What should I do?
If you miss any of the first two days of a PWR class, you’re in danger of being dropped from the section. To avoid being dropped, send an email to the instructor and before the class meeting to explain why you will be absent.
I was dropped from my PWR class. How do I get a new assignment?
The availability of open seats varies throughout the first 2 days of class. Please contact the PWR Office immediately. We’ll try our best to find you an available seat in a section that fits your schedule.
I’ve been assigned to a PWR section in the middle of Week One, and the class has already met. What should I do?
If you’ve been assigned to a section that has already met, contact your instructor immediately (PWR Instructor Profiles). Send an email to your instructor to let them know you’re assigned to the section and will be attending the next class meeting. Ask for details on how to catch up in preparation for joining the class.
How do I change to the current quarter for PWR?
If you need to change to the current quarter, you can submit a quarter petition or contact the PWR Office and speak with the Student Services Officer as soon as possible during the first 2 days of the quarter. Depending upon the space available, we may be able to move you to the current quarter and start working on your section assignment. After the first week, we will not be able to place you in a PWR class.
I’m supposed to take PWR this quarter and want to change it to another quarter. However, when I go to the PWR Course Assignment Website, I can’t submit a petition to change quarters. What’s going on?
When there is no room in future quarters, or if the section preferences window has closed, the petition button goes "offline." If you have ranked and submitted your section preferences and it is prior to section assignment, please get in touch with the PWR office. If you have been assigned a seat in a section, you can no longer request a quarter change except for extreme situations (such as health concerns). In most other cases, you’ll need to take your PWR class as assigned.
I submitted a quarter petition, but it was denied. What do I do now?
Quarter petitions are granted based on availability of space in each quarter and an evaluation of the academic reasons behind the request. If your petition was denied and you want to try again, you may submit a petition each week during the petition period (see Dates and Deadlines) to see if openings have become available. You can also write to to request a spot on the waitlist for your preferred quarter. For us to adequately consider your quarter petition, please make sure to provide specific details when completing a quarter petition form.
Can I switch my PWR quarter assignment to next year? Can I take PWR 1 as a sophomore or PWR 2 as a junior?
Since PWR 1 fulfills the first-year Writing and Rhetoric requirement and PWR 2 fulfills the second-year Writing and Rhetoric requirement, students are expected to complete both of these requirements within the intended year unless there are extenuating circumstances.
If I applied to an IntroSem that fulfills my WR 2 requirement, do I still need to submit my PWR preferences?
Please submit your PWR 2 section preferences to us even if you are applying to an IntroSem that fulfills the WR 2 requirement. If you are accepted into the IntroSem, we will remove you from your assigned PWR 2 section after you're enrolled in the IntroSem; if you are not, you will still have your spot in PWR 2. Please note: acceptance into a WR2 IntroSem takes precedence over your PWR preferences. You cannot be enrolled in both a WR2 IntroSem and a PWR2.
What do I need to do if I get into a WRITE 2 IntroSem?
When you’re accepted into a WRITE 2 IntroSem, that becomes your de facto first choice. You’ll be enrolled in the IntroSem and won’t need to submit PWR 2 preferences. If you take an IntroSem that satisfies WR 2 before your assigned PWR 2 quarter, we’ll be informed that you’ve already fulfilled this requirement, and we’ll then cancel your PWR 2 assignment.